Author: Wendy Hayden

Alternatives to Laxatives

Track Child’s Bowel Movements to Help Solve Their Constipation

When you track your child’s bowel movements it will help you to figure out what helps and what makes their constipation worse.  When your child is chronically or functionally constipated, it is frustrating and exhausting for both them and you.  It can also be very hard to figure out what interventions are helping your child to overcome their constipation and what regiment they need to be on to go 1-3 times a day.

Alternatives to Laxatives, Constipation in Children

Natural Home Remedies For Immediate Constipation Relief For Your Child

Chemical laxatives can cause side effects in children and many, including Miralax, are not approved for use in children under 17.  Magnesium, Senna, Vitamin C, salt, and oil can all be used for safe, effective and immediate constipation relief in children.  These natural home remedies work in different ways.  What is causing your child’s constipation and how constipated they are, will determine which of these home remedies is the best for your child to bring them immediate relief from their constipation.  

Alternatives to Laxatives, Constipation in Children, Finding the Root Cause of the Constipation

Would a Squatty Potty Help My Constipated Kid?

We are built to have a bowel movement in a squatting position. Getting a stool to help position us in a position as close as possible to squatting can help with constipation. This is especially true with children who are small and their feet don’t even touch the ground when they are on the toilet. There are lots of choices in stools that help.