Finding the Root Cause of the Constipation

Alternatives to Laxatives, Constipation in Children, Finding the Root Cause of the Constipation

Would a Squatty Potty Help My Constipated Kid?

We are built to have a bowel movement in a squatting position. Getting a stool to help position us in a position as close as possible to squatting can help with constipation. This is especially true with children who are small and their feet don’t even touch the ground when they are on the toilet. There are lots of choices in stools that help.

Alternatives to Laxatives, Constipation in Children, Finding the Root Cause of the Constipation

How to Get Off of Laxatives

Laxatives are only meant for short term use. Miralax is a common laxative that many people are on long term but it hasn’t been approved for use for more than 7 days by the FDA. Plus, over 25,000 reports of adverse event from Miralax have been reported to the FDA! There are many safe options for chronic constipation. This guide will help you to get off of laxatives and going daily with no pain.