Alternatives to Laxatives, Constipation in Children, Constipation Relief for Adults, Miralax Safety

Should I use Castor Oil or Mineral Oil for Constipation Relief?

Should I use Castor Oil or Mineral Oil for Constipation Relief?

Castor oil and mineral oil are options for constipation relief

Castor oil and mineral oil are effective options for constipation relief.

Castor Oil

I believe that Castor oil is safer for short term use for constipation relief than Mineral Oil but neither one should be used for more than 7 days.

Castor oil has been used medically for thousands of years.  There is evidence of it being used by Ancient Egyptians.  Generations of mothers have used Castor oil for constipation relief for their families.  When something has been used for thousands of years, it generally shows that it is safe and effective.  Castor oil is considered “Generally regarded as safe” by the FDA.

Castor oil works as a stimulant laxative when taken internally. Castor oil is 90% ricinoleic acid.  The ricinoleic acid causes smooth muscle contractions in your intestines pushing the stool through your intestines and helping you to have a bowel movement.

Castor Oil Vs Mineral Oil For Constipation | Why Do I recommend Castor OIl over Mineral oil for constipation | NaturalConstipationSolutions |Constipation Relief

Mineral Oil

Mineral Oil works by lubricating the stool to help it pass through your intestines and it also coats it to increase the fluid in the stool making it easier to pass.   is a petroleum product.  It is a by-product of the distillation of petroleum to become gasoline. There is concern that mineral oil contains contaminants that could affect our health and may even contribute to cancer.  Personally, I avoid any products that are petroleum based.

There is also a risk of aspiration when taking mineral oil by mouth. This is especially concerning in young children and anyone who is bedridden.  If you do decide to use Mineral oil, look for one with directions for laxative use on the package.  Mineral oil can also cause anal leakage or uncontrollable diarrhea.

Castor oil is very effective for constipation relief and is generally safe for most people.  Taking Castor oil internally repeatedly can cause potassium deficiency so if your child has heart issues then I would not use it or if your child develops a rash, then discontinue use.

Side effects from using Castor oil internally can include cramping and digestive upset.  Do not use if pregnant or breastfeeding.  Consult your physician for recommendations on Castor oil use for your particular situation.

When you take Castor oil internally it works fairly quickly, usually within 2-6 hours so do not give too closely to bedtime as it will interrupt your child’s sleep with them needing to use the bathroom multiple times.  It causes very strong contractions and the urge to go.  It can be difficult to make it to the restroom when you take it internally.

When I was pregnant with my oldest son, I was 10 days overdue.  My midwife told me to take Castor oil by mouth and to use a castor oil pack to induce labor.  Castor oil is very thick and not pleasant tasting.  She had me mix the Castor oil with Orange Juice to camouflage the taste but it still made me gag when I drank it down.  When it kicked in, I was tied to the bathroom for hours and it did a full clean out.  It also triggered contractions that did get my labor started. But once the castor oil wore off, the contractions stopped and I had to be induced.  My son was born having aspirated meconium, basically, stool in the amniotic fluid and in his lungs.  I don’t know for sure if the castor oil caused this as he was overdue and it can happen in overdue babies but I wouldn’t risk using castor oil to induce again.

Castor oil is a stimulant laxative and works but increasing the movement of the muscles in the intestines pushing the stool to come out.  Because it is a stimulant laxative, it shouldn’t be used internally for more than 7 days because it can cause dependence.  If you get dependent on a laxative, you won’t be able to go on your own without it. The only time it may be ok to use it long term is if you have a molitilty issue you are dealing with and can’t push out stool without a stimulant.  If that is the case, please discuss the use of castor oil with your doctor.

While I prefer Castor oil, I believe both Castor oil and Mineral oil are safer than using Miralax.  As of this writing, over 25,000 reports of adverse events have been reported to the FDA from Miralax use, some very serious including OCD, ADD, Tics, Seizures, Panic Attacks, Kidney problems, Autism-like behaviors, ODD, Night Terrors, Learning Delays, Mouth Sores, Lack of Growth, Hallucinations, Speech Issues, numbness, C-Diff, homicidal and suicidal ideation.  For more information on Miralax safety and how Miralax injured my son, please read my article, Is Miralax Safe to Give to My Child?

An alternative to both Castor oil and Mineral oil is Coconut oil.  I discuss it in more depth in my article Chocolate Coconut Oil Poop Candy For Constipation Relief  The article discusses coconut oil and how it works for constipation and includes a tasty and easy recipe for coconut oil candies.  These candies are a wonderful way to get coconut oil in a picky child (or adult!)  They are so good and so effective you want to be near a bathroom if you eat too many of them.

Ideally, any laxative you use will only be used short term while you work on Finding the Root Cause of Constipation.  Any laxative is a band-aid on the problem of constipation.  Constipation is a symptom of a larger problem.

How to use Castor Oil for Immediate Constipation Relief for Your Child

Dosing of Castor oil for Constipation:

Children under 2: 1-5 ml

Children 2-11: 5-15 ml

Children over 12 through Adult:  15-60 ml

You can use Castor oil prior to a colonoscopy or other procedure where you need to do a clean out.  Dose approximately 16 hours before your procedure.  You might want to divide the dose up into multiple does over that time period and dose until it is effective.  Take your first dose of Castor oil 16 hours prior to your procedure.  If you haven’t started to have bowel movements in 4-6 hours, take a second dose etc until you are passing clear/yellow/brown liquid.

You can also buy Castor oil in pill form. (Link to Amazon) This helps you to be able to take Castor oil but avoid the taste.  Dosing instructions are on the bottle.

Castor Oil Pack for Constipation Relief in Children

Another way to use Castor oil for constipation relief is to make a Castor oil pack.  This is especially helpful for a child if you can’t get them to take Castor oil by mouth but is helpful for anyone except pregnant women or nursing mothers.  You can buy a Castor Oil Pack from Amazon with the basics or make it yourself with unbleached flannel, Hexane-free, cold pressed Castor oil.   I store my flannel in a Quart Sized Wide Mouth Jar. You will also need a hot water bottle or heating pad.

Another option is the Baar Castor Oil Pack Kit which even includes the heating pad.

Castor Oil Pack for Constipation relief in adults and children | Castor Oil for effective constipation relief | NaturalConstipationSolutions

Doing a Castor oil pack is messy so you will want an old t-shirt or scrap cloth between the flannel and your heating pad.

Take your flannel and fold it and then roll it so it fits in your jar.  Add 1/4 cup of Castor oil to the flannel and let sit for 20 minutes. Add 1-2 TBS every 20 minutes until your flannel is saturated but not dripping.  This can take hours or even a day to reach saturation so you might want to do this the day before needing it.

Lie down on an old towel if you are concerned that the flannel might leak Castor oil on your bed or couch.

Unfold the flannel and place on the lower abdomen over the intestines.  Place an old towel, an old t-shirt that you don’t care about or even some plastic wrap over the flannel and then put the hot water bottle or heating pad over the flannel.  If using a hot water bottle it may need to be reheated several times. Leave on the Castor oil pack for 30 minutes to two hours.

You can reuse your flannel many times, often up to 30 or 35 times before needing to replace the flannel with a new cloth.

After each use, just add a TBS or two to the folded up flannel in the jar and let it soak in until you use it the next time.  Store in the refrigerator until next use.

Use the wipes that came in the pack to remove excess castor oil from your skin or use a natural soap like Dr. Bronner’s to remove the castor oil.  Or you can let it soak in overnight if you are wearing pajamas that you don’t mind getting oil on.

Use daily for constipation relief.  Using a Castor oil pack won’t work as quickly as taking castor oil internally so you will need some patience to use it as a pack for constipation, but it is very effective for some people.

You can also use Castor oil mixed with a carrier oil like olive oil or Fractionated Coconut Oil, and massage into your abdomen to help push the stool out.  Massage clockwise, making small circular movements around the belly button, widening the circles as you go or stroke your flat hand gently down the abdomen from below your ribs to your pelvic bone.  For more information on massage for constipation and how to use magnesium cream for it, please read my article Magnesium Cream and Tummy Massage for Constipation

I would like to invite you to join my Facebook groups People Against Miralax or Natural Constipation Solutions for more information on how to treat constipation and for support on your journey.


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